Tweezing. Waxing. Shaving. You’ve grown weary of this seemingly losing battle against unwanted hair. Just when you thought you’ve found some respite, a strand of hair pops up. And then another. And then another.
“Will this ever end?” you ask yourself.
If you wish to have a decisive victory against body hair, there are two options that can offer you long term results – laser hair removal and electrolysis hair removal.
Laser vs. electrolysis
Which one should you opt for? In order to make an informed choice, it is crucial to understand a few key similarities and differences between each hair removal option.
One thing that both treatments share is the fact that both will take a series of treatments before bringing noticeable results. Although laser hair removal and electrolysis work differently, both take into account the stages of hair growth.
Human hair grows in three stages: growth, resting and shedding. Both treatments can only target hair follicles, which are in the growth stage.
Another critical similarity that both treatments share is that these can cause a degree of discomfort.
Key differences
- Results
When it comes to hair removal, electrolysis is peerless as it is the only hair removal method recognized by the American Food and Drug Administration for permanently removing hair.
How permanent? Results can vary from one person to another, but electrolysis can result in as much as 80 percent hair reduction. Electrolysis works by disabling each target hair follicle, rendering each unable to produce hair. However, there is still the possibility that hair can grow back in the target area because hair follicles can still be reactivated.
However, broadly speaking, electrolysis offers better results over other hair removal options currently available.
- Versatility
Laser hair removal is suitable only for a select number of skin and hair types. The main reason behind that is the way laser hair removal works.
Laser hair removal targets melanin, the dark pigment under the skin and the base of hair follicles. This allows laser beams to destroy the hair follicles. Eventually, the hair falls out of these follicles.
The problem is that laser hair removal only works best for people with dark hair and fair skin. If you have gray, red, or light-colored hair, you are eliminated as a suitable candidate for this treatment.
In contrast, electrolysis works for practically anyone because of the nature of the treatment. In electrolysis, short bursts of electrical current are applied to the hair follicles. This electrical current causes the follicles to decompose and prevents these from producing hair.
- Accuracy
Another key area where electrolysis has the clear advantage over laser hair removal is accuracy in terms of targeting unwanted hair.
Laser hair removal works best by targeting several strands of hair at the same time. However, if you want to remove just a few strands of hair (for example, in your eyebrows), electrolysis is the better option for you.
Electrolysis can even be used for safely removing hair from moles. However, your doctor should give approval for the treatment.
- Treating tattooed areas
If the hair you want removed is found in an area of your body that is tattooed, your only option is electrolysis.
Laser beams get absorbed by dark pigments found in tattoos. This, in turn, can lead to burns.
- Safety
The laser hair removal technology has been around for more than a hundred years. This means that this technology has been widely studied and proven, hence the FDA’s nod of approval.
Laser technology, when compared to electrolysis, is still in its nascent stage, having been used for only three decades. And while many experts consider it one of the safest technologies, it is still too early to identify what its long-term side effects would be.
Weighing your options
Stacked against other hair removal options, laser hair removal and electrolysis offer the best results. But if you compare the two against each other, electrolysis is the clear winner.
In terms of permanent results, accuracy, versatility, and safety, electrolysis is the clear choice that you should make. Furthermore, electrolysis carries fewer risks, and the side effects are minimal. Plus, you do not have to undergo maintenance treatments typically associated with laser hair removal.
However, do be aware of a few things to consider when it comes to electrolysis. First, you may have to wait for a few sessions before you notice results. This is because electrolysis cannot cover a large area faster than laser hair removal.
In addition, electrolysis cannot be used in conjunction with other hair removal treatments. Undergoing two or multiple hair removal treatments can cancel out the effects of electrolysis.
Before undergoing any treatment, including the removal of unwanted hair, it is vital to know what your available options are. Knowing the pros and cons of each option will allow you to make an informed choice.
If you wish to know more about electrolysis hair removal, do not hesitate to contact us.