A tattoo is a permanent body art that people choose to express themselves. Many see it as a way to express control over their own body and appearance. For others, it may simply be a symbol that helps them commemorate an event or a person that means a lot to them. But what happens is you want to remove annoying hair over a tattoo?
If you already have a tattoo, no need to worry! You will still be able to remove your annoying hair without damaging your tattoo or skin. However, it is important to know your options and facts first.
There always are conventional methods such as shaving, waxing or tweezing for example that are often daily and time consuming. In general, people will choose long term / permanent options such as laser or electrolysis, which will affect your body in different ways in the process.
With professional electrolysis, it is highly unlikely that anything will effect the appearance of your tattoo. Electrolysis permanent hair removal works under your skin and is very exact. A very thin “hair-like” probe is inserted in each hair follicle and emits and current from the inside, destroying the root and thus stopping the growth of cells. Nothing is done at the surface of your skin. So for those with a tattoo, electrolysis is the most successful and trustworthy permanent method. However, there might be cases where we decide to go around your tattoo if our electrologist deems it might cause any change in the pigmentation of your tattoo.
Laser hair reduction on the other hand, can be a little more unpredictable when used on tattoos and can thus be problematic. Laser is attracted to dark pigments so both dark hair (on bright skin) and tattoo ink. In this case, even working around your tattoo might attract the heat emitted by the laser. Besides, in extreme cases it might also burn your skin. Note that the laser used to remove tattoos is not the same used for hair removal and works on a different layer of the skin!
Professional laser technicians will keep a fair distance from your tattoo when treating you to avoid any of these issues. Accordingly, you will need another permanent hair removal method for this area. In this case: electrolysis after rechecking with our senior electrologist (If needed, we will ask you to confirm with you physican if the area can be treated).
Sources: Laser hair Clinic, Permanent Hair Removal Info