Many people believe that the hair they can see is all the hair they will ever have. However, this is not true as hair goes through a life-cycle timed by genes. This cycle can vary from a few months to several years and begins when a new dermal papilla is formed at the base of the follicle. The dermal papilla is the blood supply that nourishes the hair.
This beginning stage is called the early Anagen phase. As the hair grows and becomes stronger, it continues into the later Anagen phase. At this stage the hair is at its strongest point and the most difficult to permanently destroy. The next phase of the hair growth cycle is called the Catagen phase. During this phase the hair begins to detach itself from the dermal papilla. As a result it is losing nourishment, but continues to be slightly nourished by the surrounding capillaries. When the hair completely detaches from the shrinking dermal papilla and no longer receives nourishment from surrounding capillaries the hair enters the Telogen phase. The hair is simply being held in the follicle which has also shrunken during the process. These hairs naturally shed and fall out with combing or friction.
There are cases where the early Anagen hair can be growing below the surface before the Telogen hair on top of it has shed. If only the Telogen hair is treated in the follicle, regrowth will occur because the dermal papilla was not treated because the Telogen hair is not attached to the dermal papilla. In order for electrolysis to be effective the dermal papilla, the blood supply, must always be treated.
The time from the Anagen phase to the Telogen phase varies upon two different factors, the area of the body, and the genetic makeup including hormonal factors of each person. As a result it is important to understand the rate of hair growth on different parts of the body. The body is made of two types of hairs called vellus and terminal. Vellus hair is fine light colored hair found on most parts of the body. Terminal hairs are thick long hairs influenced by the androgenic hormone.
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